We have been very busy in Cedar City the last couple of weeks- with lots of visits from family and friends, preschool starting, gymnastics starting, volleyball in full swing, Shakesperean plays, dentist appointments, and just daily life....it is nice to get away from all the hustle and enjoy some time up in Salt Lake with my family and friends.
Adam is out of town (as usual) so I decided to take the kids up to my parents for a mini labor day getaway.
I have enjoyed the help with the kids, and I think my parents and my sister have enjoyed playing with the kids.
Noey and Odessa played in leaves, made tacos, and watched movies together.
Addison-well he slept and cooed and giggled a lot....which is always fun to be around.
I was able to take a break last night from the kiddos and go to dinner with two great friends last night. We went to Tepenyaki (sp?) which was was YUMMY! I left my father in charge of the kids- The picutre is what happened when I left him in charge...........
I had a great stay, but it is back to Cedar City in a few hours!